When you receive your Poken, activate it by removing the little white plastic strip on the USB port. Plug it into your computer and double-click on the file called “Start_Poken.html.” This will lead you to www.doyoupoken.com. You will need to create an account. Once you have created an account you will be automatically dropped into the Device area of the site where you will need to assign your device to an identity. In the Identities section, you can add all your contact information and you are ready to find other Pokens!

When you meet someone who you want to exchange information with, you can ask him/her whether he/she also has got a Poken. To become friends, the two Poken have to touch each other’s hands. When the light on the hand turns green you have become online friends. This type of exchange is also called high-four, because a Poken only has got four fingers! Don’t worry about sharing any IDs you don’t want to (there’s nothing worse than swapping Facebook details with the boss, then remembering your page is packed with pics from last week's beer-fest) because your online Poken account lets you choose which of your profiles you want to share.

You can store up to 64 friends before you will need to re-connect to your computer. You do this via the built-in USB-stick. The special Poken software will automatically start and redirect you to the Poken website. The contact info of the people you have met will be loaded to the site and you are good to go!

Don't have your Poken yet, or want to pick up some for friend, visit my Poken online store today!

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